Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sarasota School Food Service Week 1 & 2

My school food service rotation was at a middle school in Venice, Florida (about 5 1/2 hours from Tallahassee).

This rotation is actually in part with the Sarasota school food service internship (

As an intern we are working with the kitchen managers to learn how to do their job so we fully understand the kitchen. I learned how to check people out at the register as well as count the money and make the deposits. I learned how to do the grocery orders and how to prep foods. I have a TON of assignments to do for this rotation- including a menu, a work schedule, and job position descriptions.

For this rotation, I had to at the school by 6am,  that means I had to get up absolutely no later than 4:30am to leave my uncle's house to get to the school on time. The first couple days I shadowed the manager. She was absolutely wonderful. She explained everything to me and showed me how to do it myself.

The second week I learned how to do grocery orders and how to receive orders. I attended a manager's meeting at the main office.  The third week of this rotation I will be at this school  again, but the 4th and final week of this rotation I will be at the Sarasota County Food and Nutrition main office.

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