Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sarasota School Food Service Weeks 3 & 4

Week 3 was the last week actually in the school. I did the grocery list and put the orders in. On the last Friday,I was the "manager".

Throughout the week I learned how to do inventory. I also made a grocery list and then submitted the order online. I received food orders online. I also helped out each day during the service time by restocking items.

On my manager day, the dish machine broke. I do not know much about the dish machine so I had to ask the actual manager ( who was there). We had to call the repair man and get it fixed. We had to use disposable trays for lunch service.

The last week of this rotation I was at the Food and Nutrition Services main office. I shadowed an area supervisor, they supervise the school food service managers. We went around to some schools delivering new thermometers and also looking and correcting any issues in the schools. I got to see how vastly different every school kitchen was in the district. Some were brand new, while another kitchen I saw was very very old and waiting to be fixed (it was on the list to be fixed asap).

While at the main office we had one office day where I was able to finish up projects and print them. We also attended a staff meeting and also sat through a commodity order meeting with Coastal Foods.

One of my favorite parts about this rotation was working with the secondary nutrition educator. It was a wonderful experience. We did about 6 nutrition lessons and I wish we could have done more.

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