Sunday, January 6, 2013

ICU (second week) and Case Study Topic

This week was only a three day week for me due to the holiday break. I worked with the dietitian who works on the MSICU (medical  surgery Intensive Care Unit), CVICU (Cardiovascular ICU), and the IMCU (Intermediate ICU- or step down ICU).

This dietitian really helped me gain full understanding of the ICU and possible interventions for these patients. After working with this dietitian I really feel more confident with the ICU. I learned and now know what to look for when visiting the patient and I also learned that rounds and speaking with the patients nurse are very helpful in gaining information about the patients.

I present on case study in a week! My patient is an elderly Caucasian 79 year old female who was admitted for sudden abdominal pain with copious episodes of nausea and vomiting too numerous to count. The family was concerned the patient had an abdominal obstruction and brought her to the emergency room. A CT scan showed focal ileus in the right upper quadrant with air fluid levels in the small bowel but no focal transition, suggestive of a small bowel obstruction. Free fluid in the right upper quadrant raised a question of gastroenteritis versus peritonitis. Also present in the patient is diverticulitis without inflammation of the colon. Patient’s last bowel movement was the night prior to admission with no diarrhea. The patient was NPO  for 3 day in the ICU, I calculated TPN for the patient, and it was initiated the next day!  It felt awesome to see my recommendations carried out!!

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