Friday, April 19, 2013

TMH Diabetes Center Rotation

I worked at TMH's Diabetes center for one week. This was an outpatient setting.

The first day I came in and met my preceptor then sat in while she saw clients. I also sat in with the RN when she had clients. While with the RN, I sat in with clients who had Gestational Diabetes. That afternoon my preceptor and I saw a few pediatric patients. One pediatric patient was a new Type 1 patient. That evening I sat in on an Optifast class that the diabetes center offered.

This center offers three diabetes education classes that are offered for adults who get a referral from their doctor. The second day of this rotation I attended the third diabetes education session then sat in with a dietitian all afternoon and saw clients. Tuesday evening I attended the second diabetes education session.

Wednesday I sat in on classes all day. I attended a Gestational Diabetes class in the morning followed by Diabetes Education Session 2 again. I sat in on class 2 again because I was able to teach part of it. It was a great experience to get up in front of the class and teach about food labels. After I taught the class I was able to sit in with a pediatric client with my preceptor.

Thursday I sat in on the center's case review with the endocrinologist, RN's and RD's. The rest of the morning I then sat with a dietitian and saw a few type 2 diabetes clients. That afternoon I sat with and RD who works for the Bariatric Center and saw a client who was focused on weight loss (no surgery). I stayed that night for another Optifast class that evening followed by a Diabetes Prevention Program class.

This rotation was a great experience and offered a lot of variety. It was really neat to work with so many different dietitians and see how they all council clients.  I also learned a lot from attending all the classes that were offered the week I was there.

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