Saturday, April 13, 2013

Tallahassee Children's Day with the Florida Dairy Council

On Tuesday April 9th I worked with the Florida Dairy Council along with the Florida Dairy Farmers at the Tallahassee Children's Day at the Capital as part of Tallahassee's children's week 

I arrived at 7:30 am to meet all new faces and just jump in and start serving breakfast bags. These breakfast bags were reusable 'breakfast bag' with a yoplait yogurt, a yogurt covered granola bar, a tangerine,  and a chocolate milk. Breakfast was suppose to be 8-10 am, however, most children did not come until after 10 am. We gave out over 1500 bags!!! Most of the bags were pre-made the day before and held in the dairy truck, but there were bags that needed to be made during the event. There was almost nothing left at the end of the event! 

 At 9 am, there were some students who came and sang, then we had a milk toast. The dairy council had been told the toast was going to be 4 people and six cups were brought, but there ended up being a few more without cups. There was the President of the Florida Dairy Farmers as well as some Legislators present for this milk toast.

 After we gave out all of the breakfast bags we gave out pencils. We all received free lunch- a sandwich from Nuke's. I was able to sit down with the Dairy Council employees and talk to them about working for the Dairy Council. There seems to be a lot of opportunities with them.

I worked mostly with Alyssa Greenstein, RD, LD/N, Senior Manager, Nutrition Affairs for DAIRY COUNCIL OF FLORIDA, a division of Florida Dairy Farmers.

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