Thursday, September 27, 2012

Long Term Care

Three weeks of the internship just flew by.

This week we started working at a nursing home. Our preceptor showed us around the facility and introduced us to all of the staff. I sat in on the weekly resident care process meeting and listened to a few of the care processes for some residents. Every day the chef in the kitchen made us salads for lunch, they were delicious and all the staff was very friendly!

I started looking at the medical records to find a patient to use the nutrition care process on, but I had never looked at a medical record before. It was a whole new process. I took some time to go through the big binder and figure out where everything was. Next I had to decipher what was written.

At this rotation I sat in on a US foods meeting which was very interesting.  I was able to see how the system works for ordering foods and saw their nutrient analysis program which can be used for menus. We talked to the RD after the meeting, for this facility the dietitian is only present one day a week.

Over the course of the week we finished 10 ADIME notes (nutrition care process documentation) and completed our requirements at the facility.

Seeing the patients here at the nursing home really made me smile, most of the patients congregate in the hall and they are always moving around the halls. Many of the patients would say good morning and ask who I was. They were friendly and I really enjoyed chatting with them!

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