Thursday, February 21, 2013

Manatee School Food Service

After working in Sarasota County, the next rotation was at Manatee County Food and Nutrition Services main office. The first day we went to the department's Monday Briefing meeting and learned what we would be doing the rest of that week.

We then sat through a KPI (financial) meeting which looked at the financials of the school food service and action plans were created. In the afternoon we spoke with Sandy Ford, the director of the program and also school nutrition association president.

The next day we went with Melissa to a couple Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program schools ( We learned about the program and saw the actual implementation of the program and the difficulties associated with it.

During this rotation we shadowed an area supervisor. We were able to see the kitchens and staff interact at various schools in the district. We learned that the supervisors here in Manatee have 17-18 schools each whereas Sarasota only had 12-13 schools but also had other job requirements. That afternoon we attended a staff meeting and learned about the different projects the staff are working on.

Valentines day was during this rotation and I was able to go to a school and help serve  strawberry shortcake dish to all the students and parents at the school.

I then went with another area supervisor to schools again. I attended a staff meeting discussing ways to lower cost in the schools.

The second week of this rotation, FDACS came to do a summer food service program training- it was nice to see familiar faces!

For our internship we have to do a research project, while in Sarasota I gave surveys to students one day. Then at Manatee I gave surveys to students again.

We shadowed our preceptor who gave a breakfast component training at a high school.

The second to last day I went to an elementary school and gave a nutrition lesson. Our lesson was on fractions and nutrition. We created oatmeal bars and used the process of cutting them to teach fractions. We also used oranges to help teach fractions to 3rd grade students. We created the lesson plan as well as a parent handout which gave the recipe taught about breakfast, and incorporated Florida history into the handout.

Sarasota School Food Service Weeks 3 & 4

Week 3 was the last week actually in the school. I did the grocery list and put the orders in. On the last Friday,I was the "manager".

Throughout the week I learned how to do inventory. I also made a grocery list and then submitted the order online. I received food orders online. I also helped out each day during the service time by restocking items.

On my manager day, the dish machine broke. I do not know much about the dish machine so I had to ask the actual manager ( who was there). We had to call the repair man and get it fixed. We had to use disposable trays for lunch service.

The last week of this rotation I was at the Food and Nutrition Services main office. I shadowed an area supervisor, they supervise the school food service managers. We went around to some schools delivering new thermometers and also looking and correcting any issues in the schools. I got to see how vastly different every school kitchen was in the district. Some were brand new, while another kitchen I saw was very very old and waiting to be fixed (it was on the list to be fixed asap).

While at the main office we had one office day where I was able to finish up projects and print them. We also attended a staff meeting and also sat through a commodity order meeting with Coastal Foods.

One of my favorite parts about this rotation was working with the secondary nutrition educator. It was a wonderful experience. We did about 6 nutrition lessons and I wish we could have done more.