Saturday, November 17, 2012

CVD, Diabetes, Renal clinical

I have learned the importance of really listening to the other RD's. At TMH I am able to go and see patients by myself and write up my own assessments notes, no risk notes, and follow up notes. However, I have to have an RD sign off on them which means they have to read and correct any problems with my notes.

The first two weeks the RD's took a while to read through the notes because they each write their notes a certain way and therefore like things written a certain way. I spent many extra hours with the dietitians and got their feed back on the notes.

This third week at TMH, I was on the cardiac floor, as well as diabetes and renal floors. I was mostly doing educations on Diabetes Diet and Heart Healthy Diet. I also attended rounds with an RD twice this week.

I really appreciate the RD's taking extra time to explaining things to me or show me things. This week one of the dietitians showed me the TPN bags and told me why the bag is yellow- due to multivitamins- and then she showed me another patients J-tube.

A hard part about this week was going to patients and having them turn the education down. They didn't even want the handouts I brought them. A few patients were interested in what I had to say.  a

Clinical isn't everything I thought it was going to be. I didn't know my days where going to be so long, but they time flies at the hospital,  I'm always busy and there is always something to do.

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